7 天无理由退换货:在本网站购买的 TANK007 品牌商品,自购买日起(以到货登记为准)7 日内出现功能故障,您可以选择退货、换货或修理。
15 天包换:在本公司购买的 TANK007 品牌商品,自购买后(以到货登记为准)15 日内出现性能故障,您可以选择换货或维修。
2 年免费保修:在本公司购买的 TANK007 品牌商品,自购买之日起(以到货登记为准)2 年之内出现非人为损坏的质量问题,本公司免费保修。
终生维护:保修期满后,本公司对 TANK007 品牌用户依然提供终生维护服务,只收取维修材料工本费。
? 、售后客服在收到您的产物后,提交本公司品质部检查鉴定
2、 检测确认是产物本身质量问题,非人为损坏的,及时提交维修部门进行维修
3、?、 如果检测结果是无故障或是人为因素造成的故障,我公司会及时联系您,并告知维修工本费,咨询您的
※【TANK007 品牌分销商/代理商 售后服务政策】
1) 3 个月内换货服务:对于进货后如果某款型号滞销,在该款未停产的情况下,产物包装完好不影响二次销售,可选择更换其他畅销型号。换货运费由分销商自行承担。
2) 2 年免费保修期:TANK007 手电筒自售出之日起 2 年内,用户在正常使用情况下,出现产物质量问题,享受免费维修服务;
3) 终身维护:在超过 2 年免费保修时间外, TANK007 公司将提供有偿保修,费用以实际更换材料费用为准,不另收取人工费用;
4) 如果分销商有自行维修的能力,按照分销商的要求甲方可以免费提供订购数量 2%以内的相应配件(不包括 LED灯、外壳主件、光杯以及线路板),供日常维修。
1) 售后运费由双方各自承担寄出的费用
[Distributor/Agent After-Sales Service Policy]
1) Exchange service within 3 months: If a certain model is unsalable after purchase, as long as the product packaging is
intact and does not affect secondary sales, you can choose to replace it with another best-selling model as long as the product is not discontinued. The shipping costs for exchanges will be borne by the distributor.
2) 2-year free warranty period: Within 2 years from the date of sale of TANK007 flashlight, users will enjoy free maintenance
services if product quality problems occur under normal use; Party B can choose quarterly or annual based on the number of products that needs to be repaired, gather them
together and send them back to the factory for repair. Distributors in mainland China can choose to return to the factory for repair in time.
3) Lifetime maintenance: If the 2-year free warranty period has exceeded, TANK007 will provide a paid warranty, and thecost will be based on the actual cost of material replacement,
and no additional labor costs will be charged; The shipping costs will be borne by the distributor.
4) If the distributor has the ability to repair itself, Party A can provide corresponding accessories within 2% of the order quantity free of charge
(excluding LED lights, main shell parts, light cups and circuit boards) according to the distributor'srequirements for Party B's daily maintenance. .
1) The shipping costs incurred after the sale shall be borne by both parties.
※【贴牌和定制服务 售后政策】 贴牌及定制产物售后服务依据合同商定的售后服务条款,收到货物后 15 天内验收
完成,15 天内质量问题可免费维修,不能维修再换新;
※TANK007 防伪查询 扫防伪标贴上的二维码
登录中文官网 www.tank007.com.cn,在"服务支持"->"防伪查询"处查询